Forty years since the series began, the Terrahawks are back in two exciting new adventures penned by Chris Thompson and Andrew Clements, with art by Connor Flanagan.
A mysterious force ravages bases and shipping across the Arctic Circle and the Terrahawks are despatched to investigate. What they discover is Zelda’s largest and most deadly monster to date. With Tiger and Mary trapped in the belly of the beast, the Terrahawks must choose between their lives or the creature’s next target.
Meanwhile a conflict in space forces Sgt Major Zero to prove his metal once and for all.
Stay on this channel, this is an anniversary......
Author Deep Blue Z: Chris Thompson,
Author Zero's Metal: Andrew Clements
Editor: Stephanie Briggs
Artists: Connor Flanagan, Chris Thompson
Cover: Connor Flanagan
Format: Softcover 260 x 170 mm portrait
Pagination: 104 pages